onsdag 31. oktober 2018

No evil things before mine eyes

Psalm 101:3I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

 When I was a kid, I had the bad habit of eating snow. My mother always taught met hat eating snow would make me sick, but still she was not able to make me stop. One day at school, my teacher showed us all the microbiological life in the snow through a microscope. All the nasty looking creatures crawling around in the snow made me stop eating snow from that day on. 
If it were possible to run what people look at on their TV, phone and computer through a spiritual microscope, many would be shocked. A lot of nasty looking demons and Spirits are attacking our minds and Spirits through what we see and allow being set before our eyes. Let us make up our minds today: I will put no evil things before mine eyes.

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