mandag 27. mai 2019


 Num 13:33 There we saw the giants the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”


When Israel failed to conquer the Promised Land it was because of doubt. It was because they looked at themselves in light of the enemy. They should rather have looked at the enemy in the light of their God. Then they would have seen that it was the enemy that was as grasshoppers. A preacher I know ones said that doubt are faith in the enemy. Instead of having faith in God, they had faith in the enemy. 

Another preacher noticed that they said WE were as grasshoppers. The problem in other words, was not just their view on themselves, but also their view on each other. When they looked on their fellow soldier they saw them as insignificant. They viewed them as grasshoppers, and not worth much.  

Do you view your fellow brother and sister as insignificant? Do you believe that God can use them? IF we don’t believe in each other and don’t see the potential God sees, it will affect the outcome of the battle. We cannot fight this battle by ourselves. It is God that will do it through me, and it is God that will do it through my brother and sister. So don’t view yourself or you brother in the light of the enemy, but view them in the light of God.

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