torsdag 6. juni 2019

Davids song (By Pastor Mike Dobbs)

A lone soldier walks down the long palatial corridor. Only the sound of his bronze armor clinking together in cadence with his military stride breaks the silence of the early morning. He pauses for a moment to listen in front of the massive cedar doors of the royal quarters.   He hears the gentle, melodic tones of the royal harp and the voice of King David as he sings to the God of Israel. The king is already up! The soldier rushes away to let the rest of the servants know to get ready for the day.

Inside the royal chamber, a lone figure in plain white linen leans over his old harp and sings before the window.  As usual, he is in the company of his two most dear and faithful friends. His God and the harp he saved up to buy when he was just a teenager- his constant comforting companion! His voice quivers from the emotion evoked by the unmistakable presence he feels in the room. He peers out of the lattice window and watches the sun slowly rise over the Judaean hills, lighting the sky with a myriad of vivid colors of the morning.
His masterful fingers pluck the strings of the harp, and with eyes tightly shut, he sings to the unseen guest in his room! He sings to the One who believed in him when he couldn't believe in himself. He sings to the One who was his Father during the years his earthly father rejected him and treated him as a lowly slave. He sings to the One that his mother told him about as a little child: "He will never leave you or forsake you!" He sings to the One who delivered the mighty Goliath into his hand and kept him unharmed for the many years he was hunted by his father-in-law, King Saul. His song· is intimate and from the very depths of his heart. He understands that his tears do not indicate weakness but ultimate dependence upon his God. His God is the king, and he is just the chief shepherd over God's people! He sings as his soul searches out direction and wisdom from the One in the room. He sings to the Lord, asking Him to order his steps and give him direction to lead the nation. He sings of the past victories God has given His people, and his praises echo off the cedar beams and resound through the halls of his stately palace.
As the sun rises higher in the sky, his voice is no longer a whisper but his voice begins to crescendo with the morning, and the palace of David becomes a source in the earth of heartfelt praise to the God who made it. His song rings through the halls of heaven and falls upon the ear of the Great Creator of All Things, the Ancient of Days. All of heaven is impacted by the sound of one man who has chosen to begin his day with a song of praise! The Almighty raises His hand for the angels to silence their continual song of adoration. All of Heaven stands and listens in rapt attention to the voice of this lowly mortal as he sings of his love for his God!
No wonder David was a man after God's own heart.   No wonder God would later choose to come in the form of a man from the lineage of David. How could God ignore such a man who so desired to be in His presence?  David gave his God the thing He wanted most, attentive love and affection. David provided a place for his God to dwell in his praise and worship! Somehow David realized the Tabernacle and its religious ceremonies of sacrifice was just a temporary substitute of what his God really desired. So he sang and wrote songs so others could sing. His psalms are still an inspiration and an example to us all, of how we can have an intimate relationship with God that is possible through heartfelt praise and worship. David met God every morning with a song and a praise. That special daily time in his royal chamber made King David the mighty man we know today. David gave God his heart in praise, and God gave David an anointed song to sing and share with his people. What a blessed transaction!
God is intently searching for the Davids of today, for those whose consistent morning praise will interrupt the worship service of Heaven and cause the angels to fall silent in awe of a human's love for his great God! I want to be a David!

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