tirsdag 2. april 2019

Am I my brothers keeper?

Gen 4:9And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?


The attitude of Cain really reflects the attitude of the world today. Am I my brother keeper? Am I responsible for my brother? The attitude of the world is: I mind my own business, and you mind your own business. You leave me alone, and I leave you alone. People think they are only responsible for themselves, but the truth is that we are responsible for one another. We are indeed our brother’s keeper. The word keeper means to guard, to watch for or to save. 


God asked Cain: Where is your brother, because he was responsible for his death. I wonder if God was to ask us about people that no longer are in church, or no longer serves God, where is your brother/sister. Could it be that we are responsible for that they are no longer serving God? Have our mean words or comments, or the lack of words / attention caused them to leave church or their faith? Do you kill people’s faith in God by your actions, or the lack of them? Is it possible that people are not in church because we have failed to pray for them? When we pray, we are fulfilling the role of watching over our brethren. We are our brother’s keeper when we pray for him. 

Let us remember that we are not just living for ourselves. We do have influence over people. Someone is watching you. You do influence someone. Your actions and attitudes are influencing somebody. We need one another. Let us PRAY for one another. Let us LOVE one another. Let us ENCOURAGE one another, and let us SUBMIT to one another. Because we are our brothers keeper!

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