lørdag 6. april 2019

The three things we need every day

Deut 33:25 says “…as thy days, so shall thy strength be". In other words, God has promised to give us enough strength for every day. We don’t know what this day will bring, but we know God has promised us strength for this day. You may think some days are too difficult and too hard to handle, but remember Gods promise. AS your days are, so shall your strength also be. Another translation says: May “your strength match your days”. One way of looking at it is as many as your days are, your strength will match the number of days. Another way of looking at it is that no matter how difficult your day is your strength will match the level of difficulties. 

Another thing God has promised us for this day is mercy and compassion. Lam 3:23 tell us they are new every morning. Whatever you will face for this day, know God has given you enough mercy for you to endure it! I am glad I don’t have to gather up mercy for all days I am good, so I can use it on bad days. Sometimes, I think, now I have been good for so long, and I haven’t made certain mistakes for so many days. But the truth is that his mercy is new and fresh every morning. We tend to think we can do it on our own, but the truth is that we need his grace and mercy every day. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, the Psalmis says.

The third thing God has promised us for each day is his word. As he provided manna in the wilderness for each day, Jesus taught us to pray, give us THIS day our daily bread. There is a word each day for you that will help you, and guide you through the day. His words and his promises are meant to give us the encouragement and the guidance we need for everyday.

So today, be reminded of the three things God has promised us each day, to help us overcome our lives struggles and challenges. Strength, Mercy and his word! His word will tell you what to do. His strength will give you the power to do it, and his mercy will pick you up if you fail to do it.

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