fredag 15. mars 2019

Seek ye FIRST

Matt 6: 33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

In Gods Kingdom is not only what you do, but in what order you do them. God is concerned how we priorities. First he makes it clear that we should not worry so much about what to eat, what to put on etc etc. Then he tells us FIRST to seek Gods Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be ADDED unto us. The keyword here is added unto us. That means we didn’t have it in the first place. There are some things we only receive if we first seek his Kingdom. There are some blessings and some miracles we never see in our lives, just because Gods Kingdom comes last. We don’t put his Kingdom first on our schedule. Whatever time we have left when we have done “more important” things we give to God. We don’t put his Kingdom first on our finances. Whatever that is left after we have paid our bills + bought what we want for pleasure, we give the rest if any to God. We don’t put his Kingdom first with our strength. We are tired when we shall pray or read our bibles because we have used all our strength on other things. 
If you want God to ADD unto you, you must change your priorities.

There was a widow in the Bible that got a visit from the Prophet. He asked her to give him a glass of water and a cake. She replied, I only have a little oil and a handful of meal. I am gathering some sticks so I can go in and dress it for my son, and me that we may eat it and die. Notice that she did NOT have anything extra. But the Prophet told her to make him a cake FIRST, and AFTER make to you and your son. You would think the Prophet didn’t hear what she said. But by doing so, she had both a cake and food for themselves. Not only that but the barrel of oil and the pot of meal was never empty until the rain came. 

The key to the ADDED blessing is to give God first.

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