onsdag 3. april 2019

Have you been made free?

Joh 8:2  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Jesus said the truth (referring to himself) shall MAKE you free. He didnt say that he would set you free, but MAKE you free. What is the difference?

When you are SET free, it your surroundings that are changed, but when you are being MADE free, it is YOU that are changed. A very good friend of mine had been born again while he was serving a long time sentence in Jail. After his encounter with God, he ran out from his cell, shouting I am free I am free. His inmates thought he had lost it. They thought he was high on drugs or something. He still had years to serve, but yet he shouted that he was free. He was MADE free even though he was not set free. His surroundings didn’t change, but he was changed.

If Jesus MAKES you free, it doesn’t matter how your surroundings look like. How hopeless your situation looks like. It can never influence or take away your freedom. Because you are free and free indeed.

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