torsdag 29. mars 2018

God always finish what he starts

Phil 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

I had a friend who received an assignment in school when she was going in the seventh grade. Knowing she was not so good in writing essays, she asked her little sister to help her. Her little sister was very good at writing essays. Almost done, she had to go, and told her older sister. I almost did it all. You only has to finish it. When she received it back from her teacher this is what it said on the paper: You wrote a really good story this time, and I was very impressed. However, you went back to old habits in the end, and didn’t finish it as well as you started it.

1st of January every year millions of people are making new vows. This year I will loose weight, or this year I will quit smoking. I will excersise more etc etc. The Gyms are always full first of January, but soon people start to drop off. Many people start with good intentions, but end up with disappointments. 

Sometime we think we have to finish what God have started. Thank you for the help so far: I can take it from here. I have wisdom now. I have discipline now. I have the strength now. But we will soon realize that we are still as depending on him today as we have always been. God will not only continue the good work in us. He will PERFECT it.

So give the pen back to God. Let him finish the essay as perfect as he started it.

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