onsdag 21. mars 2018

The good old days are now

Prov 5:15Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.

One beautiful sunny summer day, I was walking home together with my daughter Rebekka. We had just spent some time by the water, bought an Ice cream, and were now walking home. Enjoying the ice cream, while holding my hand, my 6-year-old daughter suddenly says: Dad, when I get old, this will be my good old days.
I was…. WOW. What a statement. She had obviously heard us talk about our “good old days” and was eager to get her own. It was her childish way of saying; this is a day I will remember.
Are you tired of hearing other people talk about the good old days being so great?  How the good old days were filled with revivals and miracles?
What you need is to do like Rebekka. Make your own “good old days”. Get your own story to tell. Get your own experience. Get your own testimony. The Bible encourages us to drink water from our own wells. Jesus said, they who believe on him as the scripture has said would have a well inside of them springing up with Living water.  The foolish Virgins said: Give us of your oil….. But the answer given was: Go get your own.

Lets not only look back to the good old days. Lets create some new good old days.

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