mandag 28. januar 2019

Soon you will have the attention

1 King 18:21Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing.

“…But the people said nothing.”
How frustrating when you know and have the truth, but you have no response. You have a message, and you try to get the message across, but there is no amen. Have you ever felt you are preaching to a mute and silent crowd in your family? You ever felt you had some wonderful news to share, but your friends and colleges show no reaction? You come out from a prayer meeting, or a great revival meeting with the thought and intention to “save the world”, but then reality faces you on Monday from the crowd that has not been in your conference or revival service, and you are met with no response? Well, that was the situation with the prophet here. But here is the good news. Just keep on building on the altar. Keep on being faithful, because soon you will have the attention.
They just have to get tired of their fireless worship first. They just have to face their disappointments. God just have to lead them through situations in life that drives them to an old fashion altar.
After hour and hours of hard and intense worship of Baal that resulted in nothing, they turned to the Prophet and received his calling. When they saw God answered with fire they cried out, “The Lord, he is God!”
Don’t give up on your family. Don’t give up on your friends. Stay at your altar and be faithful, because soon you will have the attention. When life disappoints them, they will know where to turn. And when they turn to you, you will lead their attention to an altar that produces fire, and not entertainment. 

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