lørdag 19. januar 2019

You can decide the size of your miracle

2 King 4:3Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.

Sometimes God invites us to be part of deciding and setting the parameters on our miracle. He told Pharaoh to decide WHEN he should give him the miracle. When he was asked when God should take care of the frogs, he answered tomorrow. The Prophet told the widow to bring empty vessels. The amount of vessel she brought decided how much oil God would give. He encouraged her not to bring few vessels. The Prophet told the King to shoot arrows out the window. After picking them up he was told to hit them on the ground. The amount of times he hit the arrows to the ground, decided how many times he would have victory over the enemy. 
Sometimes God gives us the miracle, but invites us to be part of the outcome. In the end, it is our hunger and intensity that decides. God told Joshua that every place you set your foot in the Promised Land is yours. 
Let us not hinder or cripple Gods miracle. Let us bring MANY vessels. Let us hit the arrow till he says enough. Let us not wait until tomorrow like Pharaoh, but say NOW is the time. Let us not settle for less than what God is ready to pour out and give us.

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