lørdag 12. januar 2019

Where do you seek him?

Luk 24:5And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

The answer the angel gave to the two women at the grave is worth reflecting on. Why do you seek the living among the dead? You want to find Jesus? Then you seek him at the wrong place. You see, there is a right and there is a wrong place to seek him. Yes, he did promise us that if we seek him, we would find him. But he also told us where to seek. Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be in their midst. The Angel gave them several clues.
1) You are seeking at the wrong place. He is to be found, but you must look at a different place
2) He is alive! So you will not find him among the dead. A lot of churches today are dead. There is no life. Rituals, traditions, and man made programs have killed all spiritual life. Entertainment and shows have replaced the presence of God. Jesus is not to found in dead, dry cultural institutions. 
3) You came too late to find him here. He was here, but is not here anymore. In many churches, this seem to be the truth. He used to be here, but he is not here anymore. They can point back to the time when he was there. Revivals, and great meetings filled with the power of God still rests in the walls of the church, but is now only history. The great and good old days are all they have left. Every service is chewing on old history. Yes, he was here for sure, but he is not here anymore. 

If you want to find Jesus, you must look where the signs tells you he is there. You can expect life where he is. You can expect power where he is. You can expect love where he is. So, my friend; are you seeking him. Then think about where you seek him. He is still to be found. Only, he will not allow no gave to hold him. Whatever you call that grave

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