lørdag 23. februar 2019

Let my people go!!!

Ex 5:9Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words.

Moses had just been to Pharaoh and told him Israel needed to go three days journey into the wilderness to worship their God. Pharaoh’s response was to increase their labor, so they would be occupied with that and not regard vain words. The Norwegian version says: “so they have enough with that…” Pharaoh said that they must have too little to do, since they have time to think about worshiping God. 
This is the way the enemy always responds when you make up your mind to worship God. He will make you so busy, that you wont have time to think about worshipping him. Have you noticed how you always come to think of things to do whenever you decide to pray, or to read your Bible? Also if you make a new commitment to be more faithful to church, whether Sunday service, or midweek service? You will get job requests, or invitations to all sorts of things. It can be all from important to less important things. 
That is when you need to be persistent, and let the enemy know you have a made up mind. My time belongs to God, and nothing shall stop me from worshipping him. 

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