søndag 17. februar 2019

The two sides of Calvary

Mark 15:33And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

Matt 28:1Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.

These two verses of scripture describe the contrast between the two sides of Calvary. As Jesus is crucified and dying, it is marked with darkness. But three days later, on the other side of Calvary, the light from the dawn is proclaiming another story. The morning is turned to laughter as the good news is proclaimed from the angels. He is risen. He has conquered death and the grave. One side is dark, and the other is light. On one side people are morning and crying, but on the other side they are rejoicing. One side marks the end of the Law, but the other side marks the beginning of grace. One side is telling us about the judgment of sin, while the other side is telling us the promise of the Father. One side is about the curse, while the other is about the reward. 
Have you been on both sides? Have you walked from darkness to light, from death to life? Have you experiences the fellowship with his sufferings, and the power of his resurrection? Have you repented, and received the Holy Ghost? At the repentance side, you mark the END of your old life, while at the other side you mark the BEGINNING of your new life. A true conversion is following Jesus example, and go from pain and grief as you realize it was your sins that brought him to the cross, till joy and power when you also realize that’s why you can receive the Holy Ghost. 
The two sides of Calvary is linked together with the burial. Have you been baptized in Jesus name, and buried the old life for good?
As tears and sorrow filled their eyes at the foot of the cross, there is a voice trying to tell them that this is not over. But this is necessary to get to the other side. When we preach sin, it is not to condemn people and make them feel bad, but sorrow is necessary to get to the other side.
Take up your cross and follow Jesus to the other side, where power, glory and the reward of joy and peace is waiting for you.

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