fredag 15. februar 2019

The voice is Jacobs, but the hands are of Esau

Gen 27:22And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.

Isaac was confused, because the voice he heard was of Jacob, but the hands were of Esau. The reason for this confusion was first of all that Isaac had lost his sight. If he could see, he would have exposed this false double play. Many Christians is like this. Their voice says one thing, but their hands another thing. This confuses the people in the world. It confuses the people that cant see. Jesus says this is about this kind of Christians. They honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me. Is their a connection between what you profess on Sunday, and what you do on Monday? Do you live what you preach? Or is your voice like Jacob, and your hands like Esau? 
The sad thing is that many churches have leadership like Isaac today. They feel something is wrong, but can’t really put their finger on it, since they have lost their sight. In the first church, we find a similar situation, when Ananias and Sapphira tried to fool Peter and the other leaders. Their voice said one thing, but their hands another. But Peter had not lost his sight. The Holy Ghost revealed the charade for him, and the result was tragic. God sent a message to anyone coming into the true church. Here your voice must match your hands. Not that we must be perfect, but rather admit who we are, and our need for a savior and a Lord. Help us Jesus that we are not double minded. Help us not to confuse the blind around us. Help us that our hands do what our mouth says. 

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