onsdag 27. februar 2019

Water out of the rock

Ex 17:6Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Even though I know they had drunk water in Egypt, I am sure this water tasted so much better. They drank the water in Egypt, while they felt the pain after the abuse of the taskmasters. They drank the water in Egypt, while they were reminded that there was no hope for them, other than another day in bondage and another day in pain.  They dod not enjoy the water, but rather just drank it to survive. But the water that came out of the rock this day tasted so much sweeter. They drank it under the joy of freedom. They drank it while being reminded that they were on their way to a land that was filled with milk and honey. The water that came out of the rock tasted so much better than the waters of Egypt.
So it was in the New Testament. They brought the water to Jesus. And when he brought it back it tasted like the sweetest wine. This time the water came from the true rock, Jesus Christ. It was the same water, but the difference was that now it came from the rock.
I can witness in my own life that everything taste so much better, after Jesus came into my life. The same people around me that was there before seems so much sweeter now. The same things around me, even Gods creation seems different. The joy I now have, and the peace I now feel, cannot even compare to the joy and peace I had before. He has truly turned the water into wine in my life. I enjoy life, I enjoy work, and even trouble seems small and insignificant in the light of where I am heading.
Life just taste better when you have God and when you have hope

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