fredag 10. mai 2019

I have called you by name

 Mark 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimæus, the son of Timæus, sat by the highway side begging.


This story is told in all of the gospels. While the other gospels only referred to him as a blind man, Mark identifies him with a name. This was Bartimæus, the son of Timæus. The reason why Mark did so was because everyone knew who he was. Everyone knew his father. It was not just any blind man. It was Bartimæus. You see God knows us by name. He sees us as unique individuals.
We like to give reports of thousands being saved. We like to give and listen to reports of Thousands receiving the Holy Ghost, and thousands being healed etc. But behind every number there is a name. There is a story. There is a family and a situation behind every number. 
I am glad God knows our name. He knows where we live. He knows what family we belong to. He knows what we go through, and what we have been through. To him you are not just a number. You are not just part of a report. The Prophet said it this way: I have called you by name, you are MINE. 

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