onsdag 1. mai 2019

Pharaos resistance (part 3)

Ex 8:28 And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me.


When Pharaoh realized he could not convince them to stay in Egypt, his next move was: It is ok, as long as you not go far away. As long as the distance back to Egypt is not too long. In other words, its ok you go to church on Sunday, as long as you come back to Egypt on Monday. Its ok you visit your God in the morning, as long as the rest of day belongs to me. But we have to go so far away from Egypt that there is no return. It is either ALL or nothing. No turning back. One of the reasons of the red sea, was to close all doors of going back. 
The world says, its ok you are a Christian, but don’t take it too far. Don’t become a fanatic. We respect you as long as you don’t preach against sin, or judge us. As long as you are moderate, and not go too far away from mainstream. Jesus said it this way: If they have hated me, they will hate you. Friendship with the world is enmity against God.  Lets go FAR away from Egypt. All the way for Jesus!! I will rather be a Jesus fanatic, than a moderate respected Christian.

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