fredag 16. november 2018

Are you an influencer or are you being influenced

2 Cron 24:2 Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years of Jehoiada the priest…

The Norwegian version says, “AS LONG as Jehoiada the priest lived.”
This was a good testimony for the priest. He must have had a very influential relationship with the King. I pray that I can be the kind of man that is influencing others to live for God. I pray that my life is inspiring and influencing others to make the right decisions. 
The King on the other hand is not one I want to be like. I don’t want my choices, and decisions in life to be depending on other people’s opinion, or approval. When Israel started to depart from God, and make wrong choices, Joshua stood in front of his tent saying: Choose today who you want to serve, but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He didn’t wait to see what the others would choose. He didn’t ask anyone.
Do you live for God to please your parents? Do you live for God to get approval for someone you love and respect? Or do you live for God because you believe in him, and love him?
Ask yourself the question? If I lost certain people in my life, or if they backslid, would I still be able to go on and serve the Lord? If I didn’t have the support of a youth group, a fellowship or a friend, would I still make it?
Too many people are depending on others to live for God. God wants us to be strong enough to stand on our own, and influential enough to make a difference in other peoples life.

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