søndag 11. november 2018

What country do you belong to?

Jon 1:8Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, for whose cause this evil is upon us; What is thine occupation? and whence comest thou? what is thy country? and of what people art thou?

May 17th is the Norwegian independence day. IT is the biggest holyday in Norway. Everyone dresses up, and march in parades, and in Oslo the parade of hundreds of thousands goes by the palace where the King and his family greets the people from his balcony. Everyone waves the Norwegian flag, sings the national anthem and almost everyone were Norwegian costumes. The day of Pentecost is our 17thof May. That’s when our new country was born. That is our independence day.

In the text of today, Jonah finds himself running away from God, hiding in a boat. And the question comes: Where do you come from, and what is your country? What people do you belong to? Maybe the language revealed him, or his actions. Maybe it was his clothes? I don’t know what it was, but something about him revealed he was a stranger. 

The question today from the text is this? What is YOUR home country?

1)  All countries have their own leader or King.
a.  Who is your King? Is Jesus Lord and King in your life?
2)  All Countries have their own laws
a.  What law do you follow? Be not confirmed to the image of this world, but be renewed…. We are renewed by the Holy Ghost who writes his law on our hearts
3)  All countries have their own language
a.  Do you speak in the heavenly language? Have you received the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tounges?
4)  All countries have national costumes
a.  Can people see by your outward appearance that you belong to a heavenly country? Do you dress like the world, or do you dress holy?
5)  All countries have their own flag
a.  Jehovah Nissi, The Lord our Banner. Just one of many names of God in the Old Testament. Have you been baptized in his name? Then you have his banner/flag. 
6)  All countries have their own culture. 
a.  Is your action and behavior reflecting that you don’t belong here, but you belong to that heavenly country?

One day we will march our heavenly parade up the streets of Gold and we will wave to the King of Kings sitting on his throne. 

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