onsdag 14. november 2018

Hinder not the children

Matt 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

This is one favorite scripture to use when doing baby dedications. When I use it myself, I like to focus on the first part of this verse, when talking to the parents. Hinder them not… 
Now, our first initial reaction when reading it, is to think about those children that was actually there that day. But the truth is the same about all children. They can be hindered from coming to Jesus, and there are few that have greater influence over them, than the parents.
The children are depending upon the parent’s decisions in many ways. IF the parents are not going to church, the children cannot come to church. Parents that doesn’t priorities church, hinders their children from coming to Jesus. They hinder them to come into his presence and to hear his words. But parents can also hinder in other ways. If they talk bad about leadership, the children are being hindered from coming to church, and ultimately coming to Jesus. I remember I told a parent that when you talk me down to your child, your child will not come to me when in need. Your child will not respect me, when I need to correct it. The result was that the child left church some time later. When we create a bad environment at home, and do not love one another, we are hindering our children from coming to Jesus. When all we do is watching TV and doing worldly and carnal stuff, we are hindering our children.
But children that grows up listen to their parents pray, and that listen to them talk with respect about their leaders. Children that grow up in a home that puts church first, then they also are brought to the presence of Jesus, so that he can bless them and protect them.
He wants to bless them, but he needs you to bring them to him.

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