onsdag 28. november 2018

Thy walls are continually before me

Is 49:16Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

The interesting thing is that when Isaiah wrote this, the walls of Jerusalem was torn down. They were in ruins. The city was burned down, the temple destroyed, and the walls were in ruins. Even though, God says: Thy walls are continually before me. Why is God saying that? I believe God is saying to Jerusalem that when I see you, I don’t see what everyone else see. I see what I will make of you. I see you, as you will be when I am through with you. I see what you will become.
When God sees his church, he doesn’t see the defeats or the failures. He doesn’t see or focus on when we are down and defeated by the enemy. He sees us for what we shall become. He sees something in us that no one else sees. When he found us, he likened it to a treasure. He likened it to a pearl.
One day, the Bible says he will present to himself a bride without spot and without blemish. Some will shine like the sun, some like the moon, and some like the stars. That’s when he is done with us. So when God says; thy walls are continually before me, he is saying that when I see you, I see what I will make you. Have a blessed day, and know God see something great and beautiful in you!

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