søndag 4. november 2018

We are the salt of the earth

2 King 2:19And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren.

The city looked pleasant, but the water was naught… That describes the situation of the people in the world today. It seems so good and nice from a distance, but reality is that the waters is bitter, and causes death and barrenness. Many lives seems successful and pleasant on the outside, but the closer you look, you will find the bitterness of sin in their lives.
The prophet pours salt into the water and it becomes sweet. 

Jesus tells us that we are the salt of the earth. We, the church are suppose to sweeten the bitter waters of the world around us. But if the salt looses its power, Jesus said, then what then shall it be salted with? There is nothing left but bitter waters. Lets us maintain the power, and be the salt of this world Jesus called us to be.

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