onsdag 20. mars 2019

Are you the real thing?

In the Coca Cola war between Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola, Coca Cola launched a commercial campaign with a new slogan. The slogan was “It’s the real thing”. They wanted to reflect that Coca Cola was the first and original Coke and that all others were just copies and fake. 

We live in a day and time of copies and fake. When visiting the Philippines recently, they took me to a place called Greenhills. Here you could buy Gucci, Rolex, Louis Vuitton and all the expensive brands for a cheap price. It was all just counterfeit.  
The Devil will always try to offer a copy to those not willing to pay the full price. When surrounding Jerusalem, Rabshake gave them an offer, if they surrendered to him. He said: I will take you away to a land like your own land… 
Many people today have recieved the enemies offer, and recieved a Counterfeit salvation. They are ”plastic Christians” It is almost impossible to see the difference in a Plastic flower and a real flower, but given some time you will see it. Because a Plastic flower never changes. A real flower you would expect to change. If you don’t see any difference after your conversion, you may be a plastic Christian. Over time, if not given water, the real flower will start to loose leaves and eventually die. A real Christian is depending on Spiritual water. It depends on spirit filled services and anointed preaching. A plastic Christian needs non of that. Thats why they can sit in dead and dry services and seemingly not being effected by it. 
Over time a real flower will blossom and grow, if given water and care. A plastic flower will just stay the same, and never grow. Never produce more flowers.
Are you the real thing, or are you Conterfeit? Do you long for Spiritual things? Do you grow? Do you change, or are you still the same?

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